
Monday, June 9, 2025

8:25am to 8:30am

Daniel Chung, MD

8:30am to 9:10am
Which Initial Therapy to Choose in Crohn's Disease?

Joshua Korzenik, MD

9:10am to 9:50am
Which Initial Therapy to Choose in Ulcerative Colitis?

Ashwin Ananthakrishnan, MD, MPH

9:50am to 10:20am
Putting It Together: Illustrative IBD Case Presentations

Kristin Burke, MD, MPH

10:20am to 10:35am
Panel Q&A

Drs. Ananthakrishnan, Burke, and Korzenik

10:35am to 10:50am
10:50am to 11:15am
Management of the Older Adult with IBD

Bharati Kochar, MD, MS

11:15am to 11:40am
IBD in Pregnancy

Loren Rabinowitz, MD

11:40am to 12:15pm
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in IBD

Adam Cheifetz, MD

12:15pm to 12:30pm
Panel Q&A

Drs. Cheifetz, Kochar, and Rabinowitz

12:30pm to 1:30pm
1:30pm to 2:00pm
How to Manage Microscopic Colitis

Hamed Khalili, MD, MPH

2:00pm to 2:30pm
GI Complications of Immunotherapy

Michael Dougan, MD, PhD

2:30pm to 3:00pm
GI Complications of Antineoplastic Therapy

Shilpa Grover, MBBS, MPH

3:00pm to 3:15pm
Panel Q&A

Drs. Dougan, Grover, and Khalili

3:15pm to 3:30pm
3:30pm to 4:00pm
Genetic Testing for Hereditary GI Cancer Syndromes

Daniel Chung, MD

4:00pm to 4:30pm
CRC Screening and How to Improve Your ADR

Ramona Lim, MD

4:30pm to 5:00pm
Beyond Screening: What to Recommend to Reduce Colorectal Cancer Risk

Andrew Chan, MD, MPH

5:00pm to 5:15pm
Panel Q&A

Drs. Chan, Chung, and Lim

Tuesday, June 10, 2025

8:30am to 9:10am
Barrett's Esophagus: Whom and How to Treat?

Douglas Pleskow, MD

9:10am to 9:40am
Esophageal Motility Disorders Made Easy

Barbara Nath, MD

9:40am to 10:10am
Management of Refractory GERD

Norman Nishioka, MD

10:10am to 10:25am
Panel Q&A

Drs. Nath, Nishioka, and Pleskow

10:25am to 10:40am
10:40am to 11:20am
Comprehensive Approach to Eosinophilic Esophagitis

Walter Chan, MD, MPH

11:20am to 12:05pm
Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity: 2025 Practitioner Updates

Ciaran Kelly, MD

12:05pm to 12:20pm
Panel Q&A

Drs. Chan and Kelly

12:20pm to 1:30pm
1:30pm to 2:00pm
Making the Diagnosis of IBS

Kyle Staller, MD

2:00pm to 2:30pm
Modern Strategies to Treat IBS

Vikram Rangan, MD

2:30pm to 2:50pm
Tips for Managing Fecal Incontinence

Kyle Staller, MD

2:50pm to 3:05pm
Panel Q&A

Drs. Rangan and Staller

3:05pm to 3:25pm
3:25pm to 4:05pm
Optimizing the Management of Gastroparesis

Braden Kuo, MD

4:05pm to 4:35pm
How to Evaluate Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth

Judy Nee, MD

4:35pm to 4:50pm
Panel Q&A

Drs. Kuo and Nee

Wednesday, June 11, 2025

8:30am to 9:00am
Cholestatic Liver Diseases: What's New in PBC and PSC

Daniel Pratt, MD

9:00am to 9:30am
How to Manage Autoimmune Hepatitis

Alan Bonder, MD

9:30am to 10:05am
Updates in the Treatment of HBV and HCV

Michael Curry, MD

10:05am to 10:20am
Panel Q&A

Drs. Bonder, Curry, and Pratt

10:20am to 10:35am
10:35am to 11:15am
Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease

Gyongyi Szabo, MD, PhD

11:15am to 11:45am
The Management of MASLD

Kathleen Corey, MD

11:45am to 12:00pm
Panel Q&A

Drs. Corey and Szabo

12:00pm to 1:00pm
1:00pm to 1:30pm
How to Work Up a Liver Lesion

Karin Andersson, MD, MPH

1:30pm to 2:00pm
Diagnosis and Routine Management of Cirrhosis

Michelle Lai, MD

2:00pm to 2:40pm
End-Stage Liver Disease and Management of Portal Hypertension

Anna Rutherford, MD, MPH

2:40pm to 3:00pm
Panel Q&A

Drs. Andersson, Lai, and Rutherford

3:00pm to 3:15pm
3:15pm to 3:50pm
Best Management Strategies in Acute Pancreatitis

David Jin, MD, MPH

3:50pm to 4:25pm
Updates in Chronic Pancreatitis

Sunil Sheth, MD

4:25pm to 4:55pm
Controversies in the Management of Cystic Lesions of the Pancreas

Carlos Fernandez-del Castillo, MD

4:55pm to 5:10pm
Panel Q&A

Drs. Fernandez-del Castillo, Jin, and Sheth

Thursday, June 12, 2025

8:30am to 9:10am
Tips for Removing the Difficult Colon Polyp

Tyler Berzin, MD

9:10am to 9:40am
Quality Measures for Colonoscopy: What's New and Why It Matters

Mandeep Sawhney, MD

9:40am to 10:10am
Endoscopy and the Anticoagulated Patient

Kunal Jajoo, MD

10:10am to 10:25am
Panel Q&A

Drs. Berzin, Jajoo, and Sawhney

10:25am to 10:40am
10:40am to 11:20am
Acute GI Bleeding and Other GI Emergencies

Linda Lee, MD

11:20am to 11:50am
Advances in Endoscopic Surgery for Foregut Disorders

Kumar Krishnan, MD

11:50am to 12:20pm
Endoscopic Approaches to Manage Obesity

Christopher Thompson, MD

12:20pm to 12:35pm
Panel Q&A

Drs. Krishnan, Lee, and Thompson

12:35pm to 1:45pm
1:45pm to 2:25pm
What's New in C. difficile Colitis

Jessica Allegretti, MD, MPH

2:25pm to 2:55pm
New Insights into the Gut Microbiome and Disease

Ramnik Xavier, MD

2:55pm to 3:25pm
GI Cases to Remember

Douglas Horst, MD

3:25pm to 3:40pm
Panel Q&A

Drs. Allegretti, Horst, and Xavier